Ру Ўз O'z En

Central Apparatus

Turayev Farkhod Batirovich

Advisor to the Director on issues of spiritual and educational work and enforcement of the legislation on the state language

+998 (71) 259-22-72

Nasirov Jon


+998 (71) 259-21-30

Nabiev Tulkin Nabievich

Head of Methodology Department

+998 (71) 259-20-39

Sayfulloyev Abdulaziz Sadullo ugli

Head of Division consolidated information and analysis for strategic planning, coordination of activities of structural and regional divisions

+998 (71) 259-22-80

Sultanova Dilfuza Baxrom qizi

+998 (71) 259-20-82

Saydaxmedov Nodirbek Farxodjon ugli

Assistant Director

+998 (71) 259-21-02

Abdujambulov Ilyosbek Muminjon ugli

The head of the information service – the press secretary of the director of the Agency.

+998 (71) 259-22-50

Gaziev Ulugbek Ubaydullaevich

Head of legal division for contractual legal relations and litigation practice

+998 (71) 259-21-77

Alibekov Timur Abdumukhtorovich

Head of sector for the internal audit service

+998 (71) 259-22-47

Gafurov Murodjon Rakhimjonovich

Head of division for maintenance of the fund for management, transformation and privatization of state assets

Pinyozov Ikromjon Hakimboyevich

+998 (71) 259-21-55

Isroilov Dilshodbek Rustamovich

Administrative manager

+998 (71) 259-21-21

Kurbanaliev Sanjar Sabriddinovich

Head of the State Enterprise Management Department

+998 (71) 259-21-73

Astonaqulov Muzaffar Muxsin ugli

Head of the Department for Analyzing and Evaluating the Performance of Enterprises with State Participation

Душанба - Жума 09:00 дан 18:00 гача
+998 (71) 259-21-51

Sofarov Shuxrat Uralovich

Head of Corporate Relations in State-Owned Enterprises

+998 (71) 259-20-89


Head of the division for coordination of appraisal and realtor activities

+998 (71) 259-20-95

Mamatov Odiljon Abdugaparovich

Head of the insolvency administration division

+998 (71) 259-22-12

Ohunov Shokhruh Bakhodir ugli

Head of the State Property Privatization Department

+998 (71) 259-20-23

Tangriev Sanjar Shamsikulovich

First Deputy Head of the State Property Privatization Department

+998 (71) 259-22-56

Samandarov Talat Yuldashevich

Head of the Department of Privatization and Preparation for Privatization of State Assets

+998 (71) 259-20-67

Gaybulloyev Asliddin Fazliddinovich

Head of the Department for execution and monitoring of sale and purchase agreements for state property and land plots

+998 (71) 259-20-37

Sattorov Sherzod Ergashovich

Head of Land Privatization Coordination Department

+998 (71) 202-21-38

Bobobekov Zokhidjon Anarbayevich

Head of division for maintaining state assets records

Sharapov Umidjon Shavkatovich

Head of the Department for Analysis of Public Institutions

+998 (71) 259-20-91

Azamov Muxammad Uktam ugli

Head of the state property registry sector

+998 (71) 259-22-19

Nusurov Ismat Nusratovich

Head of the sector of state property management abroad

+998 (71) 259-20-13

Fazilov Furkat Anvarovich

Acting head of sector for development and management of human resources

+998 (71) 259-20-10

Abdurakhmonov Ulugbek Odiljonovich

Head of division for anti-corruption and compliance

+998 (71) 259-22-44

Sulaymanov Fayzulla Xabibullayevich

Head of division for implementation and digitization of information and communication technologies

+998 (71) 259-21-28

Kadirova Saltanat Mirbasidovna

First sector

+998 (71) 259-22-68

Safarov Bekzod Ulugbekovich

Head of international cooperation and World Trade Organisation affairs sector

+998 (71) 259-22-83